A pioneering Decision-Support Tool, based on mathematical models to predict agri-food residual streams and to identify best routes for valorising them
A software platform with a cross-cutting perspective: technical, economic, environmental and social aspects. Validation in 4 countries: Spain, Belgium, Netherlands and Greece.
Valorising the agri-food waste will have a huge environmental and economic effect, redesigning our food systems and building more circularity into them.
Decision-Support System Tool
Simulation Module + Optimisation Algorithm + LCA Support Tool

What makes us different ?
Model2Bio will be the only program to simulate the entire value chain and the whole industrial process

A tool to give a second life to food waste
A prototype for a decision support tool developed to turn by-products from the agri-food industry into new products European scientists, companies and clusters developed a decision-support tool that identifies what...
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Conference recording: Rethinking waste and new ways to use it
On 19th October, scientists, food companies and policy makers gathered for a hybrid event to talk about the bioeconomy. The opportunities it brings, the challenges it poses to us and...
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White paper on food and drink waste management
The agri-food industry does not generate organic waste. It generated by-products with great value and in large quantities. These by-products have great valorisation potential, but limitations or obstacles hinder their...
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How to make the most of our food resources: Best practices
Do not miss the potential of agri-food residues Several tens of millions of tonnes are thrown away every year in the European Union alone; 58.5 million according to the European...
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Conference: Rethinking waste and new ways to reuse it: the bioeconomy as an opportunity for regional development
Rethinking waste and new ways to reuse it: the bioeconomy as an opportunity for regional development La bioeconomía como oportunidad para el desarrollo regional: la gestión de residuos y nuevas...
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Model2bio wins #CBEimpact photo competition 2023
#CBEimpact photo competition 2023: Model2Bio wins video category This year, the CBE JU organized a competition for funded projects to showcase their impressive accomplishments through high-quality photographs and videos....
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